Who We Are?

We are a Scriptural, Independent, Historical Baptist Church and we believe Jesus Christ’s Great Commission to His church is still in effect. We base our Missions, our giving, our serving on the Word of God. We use the King James Version of the Bible, not to be old-fashioned, but because it is the best translation, based on the manuscripts that we have. We believe God’s Word is still our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. 

Our Mission

We want to know Christ more and to make Him known. We want to base all of our lives on the foundation of God’s Word, we are imperfect at it, yes, but this is our goal and our love. 

We support missionaries around the world and we love missionaries.

We pray that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the filling of the Spirit of God, based on God’s Word, would be evident in the way we treat you, love you Biblically, and love each other.

book, bible, open

Worship Experiences

We base our music, singing and specials on Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Yes, we still use hymnbooks, along with worship choruses and DVDs to sing specials with.

What we believe

We believe that God’s Word is verbally and plenarily inspired, and we use the King James Version for all services.

We believe that there is only one God, who has three distinct offices; God the Father, God the Son – Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe in salvation by grace through faith, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death, is complete. 

We believe sin came from man’s transgression against God’s command, and death, disease, suffering and pain come from this not from evolution nor survival of the fittest.

We believe that evil is real in this world, and that the devil is real and has evil angels, demons, following him.

We believe Jesus Christ is the One who is greater than he that is in the world.

We believe in a Scriptual, local Church in function and mission and the Ordinances.

We believe Jesus Christ gave two ordinances for His Church He built, Believer’s Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. And that these are Ordinances they are not sacraments and in no way assist salvation.

We believe in a real Heaven and Hell.

We believe Jesus Christ is coming soon before the Tribulation begins and before the time of God’s wrath on plant earth. We believe in a literal view of the Book of Revelation, unless an allegorical passage is in view.

We believe that Jesus Christ will literally reign of earth for 1,000 years.

We believe in a New Heaven and a New Earth, Revelation 21-22.

We believe that the nation of Israel has a separate program from the Church that Jesus built, and that we are living in the Church age now, and with the rebeginning of Israel as a nation in 1948, means Jesus will pick back up His program with the nation of Israel, soon.

We believe in praying for Israel and in supporting Israel.

We are pro-life and believe that conception begins in the womb and that a baby is a real life not just a fetus.

We believe in the traditional view of marriage one man for one woman.

We believe in caring for others and our goal is to love one another as Jesus Christ has loved us.

We believe in having discipleship and mentoring classes for those who need them.